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Checking Out Books

  • Students may check out up to three items for two weeks.

  • Materials may be renewed as long as there is not a hold on the item.

  • Holds: See the Circulation Desk for help

  • Students should have their student ID to check out books.

  • Faculty may check out as many books as needed (within reason).


Fines and Fees

  • Overdue materials are charged 10 cents per day, per item. The maximum fine per item is $5.00.

  • For lost or damaged books students will be charged the district standard replacement cost for the type of book (the standard cost $25).


Computer Use

The library is equipped with 30 desktop Mac computers.  Library computers are for school work and catalog searches. 

  • Printing is free.

  • Inappropriate use of computers will result in the loss of computer privileges and possible disciplinary action.


Library Rules


  • We all share the Santee Library. It is important to treat it respectfully. 

  • Use quiet voices in the library                                                                    

  • No food, GUM, candy, or drinks

  • Push in your chair when you leave

  • Clean up all trash in your work area

  • If you create a disturbance, you will be asked to leave. Depending on the offense, further disciplinary action may be taken. 


Library Hours


  • Monday – Friday   7:30 am - 3:30 pm

  • Open before school, during lunch, and after school

  • A pass from a teacher is required to use the library during class time.

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